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Afisaje Led - Electrice: 88 companii
  • Panoul publicitar cu LED, având dimensiunile de 4m x 3m este amplasat în Suceava într-o zonă intens circulată, la intersecția semaforizată a străzilor Ana Ipătescu cu Mitropoliei, vis-a-vis de Biblioteca Județeană.

Suceava Servicii
  • LEDA Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. is a professional LED products manufacturer in Shenzhen, we are specializing in research, design, and produce all kinds of LED display (outdoor full color LED display, indoor full color LED display, outdoor dual and single led display, indoor dual and single led display) and LED lighting Products. We were reputed with the reliable quality, reasonable price and fast after-sale service. More information, please browse

Shenzhen Import - Export
  • Lights Sign produce panouri si reclame luminoase cu LED ce vor ajuta firma dumneavoastra sa devina mai vizibila, sau pentru a comunica diferite mesaje sau promotii clientilor dumneavostra. Oferta noastra: Panouri si reclame luminoase pentru farmacii, cabinete medicale sau orice tip de activitate Puteti alege unul din produsele noastre sau va putem creea un design personalizat 3D pe baza solicitarilor dumneavoastra. Panourile cu LED pot fi folosite atat pentru afisare la interior cat si la exterior, cu o luminozitate caracteristica ce poate atrage clienti ca nimic altceva, practic imprima reclama dumneavoastra in mintea actualilor si potentialilor clienti, aducand NOI si MAI MULTI clienti Durata de viata a panourile cu LED este de pana la 100000 ore, pot functiona 24H/zi, 365 zile/an si au un consum redus cu 5 pana la 10 ori mai mic decat reclamele cu NEON. Panourile cu LED sunt mult mai prietenoase cu mediul, nu contin mercur toxic si argon pecum cele cu NEON Garantie 1 AN.

Ghercesti Producator
  • In prezent ne ocupam de inchirierea de echipament de sonorizare si iluminare pentru o gama larga de aplicatii, incepand de la conferinte sau mici party-uri si pana la spectacole de orice natura; concerte, evenimente live, lansari produse, campanii promotionale, corporate party, standuri expozitionale, evenimente fashion, etc. Datorita unei echipe deosebite (tehnicieni sunet, lumini, scenotehnica, event managing, transporturi, dj, mc), suntem cunoscuti pentru profesionalismul si mai ales rapiditatea cu care se duce la bun sfarsit un proiect, intotdeauna in termenii stabiliti. Pozitia noastra, si anume in vestul tarii, constituie un avantaj datorita dezvoltarii rapide a regiunii si a legaturilor cu tarile vecine. Dispunem de echipamentul si logistica necesare oricarui eveniment de orice amploare, de la inchirierea unui simplu CD si pana la scena de spectacole live in aer liber complet utilata, tehnologie LASER cu puteri variate, echipamente DJ, backline, tehnologie video de la un singur proiector pentru o conferinta si pana la videoproiectoare de 20.000 Alum, ecrane de proiectie, ecrane video cu LED de dimensiuni variate. Astfel suntem singura firma din Vestul tarii ce poate oferi un pachet complet pentru orice aplicatie, la un nivel inalt de profesionalism si seriozitate. Cu o experienta practica completata de un solid suport teoretic in tehnica de evenimente (sonorizari, show-uri de laser si lumina) Music Service va ofera de peste 6 ani cele mai bune servicii in domeniu din Timisoara si Vestul tarii.

Timisoara Servicii
  • Smart Deal comercializeaza toata gama de produse pentru iluminat stradal, parcuri sau decorativ cu sisteme solare, lampi cu led, ecrane cu led si semnalistica rutiera solara si reflectorizanta. Asiguram service specializat pentru fiecare produs, garantie cuprinsa intre 2-7 ani (in functie de fiecare produs). Cel mai bun raport pret si calitate, servicii la standarde europene.

Brasov Distribuitor
  • Suntem o firma cu capital intregral românesc care ofera servicii în domeniul publicităţii de mai bine de 2 ani iar experienţa acumulată în peste 8 ani împreună cu un personal tânăr şi ambiţios, ne permite să aducem în faţa clienţilor noştri următoarele valori: Ambiţie şi profesionalism Onestitate şi atenţie deosebită acordată clientului Servicii şi produse de calitate Preţuri accesibile.

Brasov Importator
  • Fabrica de iluminat acvatic este situat la Guzhen. Oraş este capitala luminiidin China, prin munca din greu şi sprijinul clientilor nostri, iar acum suntem în creştere de zi cu zi. Detinem o mulţime de muncitori, cu experienţă şi profesionale, tehniciceni, calificaţi şi administratori, care fac ca produsele noastre sa fie mai competitive, comparativ cu aceleaşi zone. Principalele noastre produse sunt produse obstacol lămpi, lămpi subacvatice, lămpi subterane de mare putere, benzi de iluminat, ETC.

China Producator
  • Companie inovationala in domeniul cercetarii si dezvoltarii iluminarii LED. Facem designul, aprovizionam cu utilaje, montam sisteme de iluminare interioara, exterioara si decorativa, bazate pe utilizarea LED. Producem afisaje, reclame si firme luminoase la chee. Producem litere luminoase gata pentru utilizare de catre businessul incepator cu buget limitat.

Chisinau Producator
  • CMI is a professional manufacturer and exporter of LED lighting products,focusing on research,development and manufacture of LED indoor lightingand outdoor lighting for a full range of homes,offices, hotels, stadiums, parks, gardens, industry, schools etc. We are proud to deliver high performance,energy efficient,ultra bright LED lamps that lasts longer, consumes lower power and are environmentally safer than traditional lighting. With many years' experience in LED lighting, we are the LED Lighting company you can count on for its superior quality and competitive price, service. With our strong R&D team-at least 5 years of experience, our engineers can make lighting solutions, design and develop new customized LED lighting products to meet market trends. Having very good management system in every procedure of production, so we are capable of offering fast delivery worldwide. CMI is one of the best sources for all of the attributes. Either call or e-mail us and you will have overall professional services and support from our boutiques.

Shajing Producator
  • Noke Led Lighting is a high-tech enterprise specialized in researching, designing, manufacturing and marketing LED lighting products. Our product range includes LED downlights, LED Bulb &spotlight (dimmable and non-dimmable available), LED T8&T5 tube light, LED High bay, LED Panel Light, LED Grow light and etc., our products are of high quality, and most of our products have pass CE&RoHS certification. Web:

Shenzhen Import - Export
  • Lighting Company interested in entering into the LED era. I have just started my business, Green Lifestyle WA. At present we do not have a large range of LED lights in Western Australia. Thank you.

Kelmscott Importator
  • We offer led display, led video display, led screen, Ecran video led display. leadingled video display factory from China. For more details about our products please call us or send an e-mail. Site:

Shenzhen, China Import - Export
  • We are one professional lighting manufacturer lies in Shenzhen, China. We design and produce all kinds of table lamp, floor lamp, lpendant lamp, LED lamp, novelty lamp, gift lamp. We would like to offer service for retailers, distrobutors, wholesales, trading company and person who like our lamps. Welcome to contact us by e-mail. Your inquiry must by returened within 24 hours.

Shenzhn Producator
  • Zhejiang Jingri Lighting Technology Co.,Ltd, founded in 1996, is specialized in research, development, manufacture, and sales of outdoor lighting products. At present, we have garden lights, street lights, landscape lights, solar energy lights, LED lights, and other series of luminary products as well as street lamp poles, monitoring and controlling poles, electric power poles, communication poles and other series of steel pole products. The company has also been awarded with 29 related patents, of which two are invention patents.    During the past few years, we had been continuously introduced into advanced technology, management system and gathered a large number of high-quality, well-educated talents in developing managing and selling. We are striving to be a respected, innovative and top corporation worldwide.    With unique strategic foresight and originative selling concepts Jingri gives its priority to quality credit standing brand name, and service responsible, honest, cooperative, it will surely develop the most-trust products and provides best service.    We have performed our tasks in strict accordance with international standard ISO9001-2000 quality management system, and the products have been passed many approvals and got the certificate such as CE, ROHS for the European standard and UL for American standard. In order to meet our customer’s needs, we will do more and more approvals in the near future.    We are assuring the quality of products based on devotion, for them to be more humanized; we are improving the quality of products by controlling all quality details and all post-use issues, to keep users free from worries, based on attentiveness; we are expanding the future of products, based on enterprising, thus to achieve a green, energy-saving, and environment-friendly environment; and we are gaining the affirmation of all customers, based on honest credibility, for our products to step into the world and illuminate the globe.

Huzhou Producator
  • Societatea comerciala S.C. Andan Impex S.R.L. Focsani are ca obiect principal de activitate importul, distributia si service-ul de echipamente electronice. Solutiile noastre sunt puse la dispozitia bancilor, a marilor intreprinderi si a institutiilor de stat. De asemenea, firma noastra, Andan Impex, va ofera o gama diversificata de jucarii electrice. Pentru mai multe detalii cu privire la produsele si activitatea firmei noastre va rugam sa ne contactati ! Va asteptam !

Focsani Import - Export
  • Zone Media, firma importatoare de panouri LED. Oferim potentialilor clienti sansa de a alege calitatea panoului prin posibilitatea de a opta la una dintre cele trei tipuri de LED-uri folosite la fabricatie (NICHIA-Japonia, CREE-SUA, TAIWAN-China). Intra pe si calculeaza diferentele de pret.

Tg.secuiesc Importator
  • Compania noastra ofera tot ce este nevoie pentru industria publicitara: banda leduri pentru cluburi, discoteci, cafenele. Cele mai bune preturi, livrare gratuita in Bucuresti. Livrare oriunde in tara in 24 H.

Bucuresti Importator
  • We are a bulgarian company, producer of Electronic LED,Rubber and PVC devices for road safety and road signalization. We are part of SISAS Group- leader in the italian market. We work in close business cooperation with SISAS Segnaletica. We are trying to enlarge our area of work by establishing business relationships with companies from many different countries. We are waiting for your contact.

Plovdiv Producator
  • Suntem o firma specializata pe sisteme de iluminat economice cu LED-uri, comercializam atat LED-uri, module, baghete, becuri cu LED-uri, cat si produse unice, la comanda. Prin altele bolta instelata.

Timisoara Producator
  • Ledke Technology Co., Ltd. was founded by a team with excellent LEDs Technology & knowledge background in year 2002. Since then, it devotes itself to R&D and manufacture of LED products. Along with the Philosophy of "Illuminate our world with Green lights", Now LEDKE has become the leading supplier in green lights source industry in China. Also, made its R&D center as headquarter in chinese opening city: Shenzhen. So far our LED products are mainly LED flexible strips, LED commercial lighting, and LED fluorescent tubes, LED par lamps, LED modules, LED street lights, LED signs, controllers, atc. Those products are widely used for the stage decoration, project decoration, Architectural decorative lighting, backlighting for signage letters and cove lighting, street lighting atc. With good quality and service, now 50% of our LED products are sold to overseas. LEDKE has established favorable relationship and streamlined cooperation with its materials and components suppliers, sales agencies, The company relentlessly pursues the maximization of the interests of its customers. This has brought great interests and accumulation to both the customers and LEDKE itself in various aspects. More, our team take highly important on the aftersales service. For more LED lighting, please visit:

Shiyan Town Producator