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Software - Electronice & IT: 742 companii
  • Experienta in domeniu web-design ne ajuta sa facem fata tutror proiectelor web fie grele sau usore . Pentru realizare unui site web site cat mai atractiv si usor de navigat va rugam se ne contactati pentru detalii .

Galati Servicii
  • Lotus Interworks este o companie infiintata in anul 1999. Sediul principal al acestei companii este in Los Angeles CA. Profilul companiei este descris de tehnologia VOIP, tehnologie de viitor in domeniul AllConferencing. Firma de asemenea are sistemul telefonic propriu de VOIP. MogoPack este o aplicatie pentru telefoanele mobile creata in totalitate de firma noastra. Interesul nostru este sa aducem aceste noi tehnologii si in Romania si in acelasi timp sa avem posibilitatea sa creem noi locuri de munca pentru Romania.

Los Angeles Servicii
  • Beck et al. Services GmbH ( is a growth oriented IT services company with offices in Munich and Hannover in Germany, as well as a regional competence centers in Romania and Brasil. We provide high-quality services and support of select IT solutions. In addition to IT services and outtasking, we offer consulting and coaching in the area of Business Service Management. Together with our associate company, Beck et al. Projects, we cover the entire life cycle of IT- projects and accomplish successful projects in Germany and abroad.

Cluj Napoca Servicii
  • Companie ce se focuseaza pe servicii de web design & development. Avem portofoliu de lucrari & proiecte realizate impunator. Prinicpalele piete pe care lucram sunt Marea Britanie, Belgia, Franta si Statele Unite.

Bucuresti Altul
  • DNA Solutions is a leading regional provider of advanced IT management solutions, serving over 160 clients in Romania. Today our company brings together IT global leaders being Partner for CA (ex Computer Associates), Juniper Networks, Extreme Networks and Secure Computing, enabling us to offer a comprehensive solution to our customers. DNA Solutions employs specialists committed to provide our business clients with the best professional solutions and services. For more information, please, visit

Bucuresti Servicii
  • ANAIS SOFTWARE: We believe in man and teams. We train and coach our teams to achieve the highest quality of Software Development, and bring each person to the top of his capacities. We believe in strong methodology (RUP) and well-defined procedures. We believe in close relationship with our clients. ANAIS Software Services is a Software Research & Development Centre and subsidiary of an IT consulting & advisory practice headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. ANAIS helps its clients deliver high-end, high-quality software products and projects. ANAIS also advises its clients on key issues such as IT security, Search Engine Optimization, UI usability, Software Architecture & Design, new technologies & proof-of-concepts, Open Source software,… ANAIS customers are mostly located in Western-Europe and span Industries such as On-line Media and Independent Software Manufacturers and Vendors (ISVs).

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Spin Development Srl este o societate cu capital privat integral romanesc specializata in dezvoltarea programelor software de comert electronic. Spin Development Srl a dezvoltat produsul software de comert electronic "virtualro™" care este un software modern de administrare a site-urilor de comert electronic, a magazinelor on-line, a cataloagelor interactive de produse pe internet precum si a site-urilor de vanzari business to business pe internet.

Cluj-napoca Servicii
  • Infiintata in 1999, cu gandul de a transforma o pasiune intr-o afacere, Adirom Solutions srl, ofera produse si servicii IT de calitate, incercand sa trateze fiecare client cu maximum de atentie. In domeniul software, ne mandrim atat cu Acont , aplicatia financiar contabila integrata, care a ajuns acum sa fie folosita cu succes de un numar important de clienti din diverse domenii de activitate, cat si cu AGeRes, programul de gestiune si administrare restaurante si baruri, instalat deja la mai multe firme din Bucuresti si alte orase din tara.

Bucuresti Producator
  • Firma Winsoft Group are ca principal obiect de activitate dezvoltarea, promovarea si vanzarea de programe informatice de gestiune, precum si acordarea de asistenta tehnica de specialitate. Produsele noastre software s-au remarcat prin calitate si concept.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Astinvest Com Srl is a technology company founded in 1997, established in Romania. We are developing innovative software products and web services that empower businesses and increase their potential to communicate and develop.

Baia Mare Servicii
  • BumaSoft este o firma tanara din Romania, specializata in realizarea de site-uri web. Am lucrat in trecut prin RentACoder (din 2001) ca liber-profesionisti si pentru doua companii din Bucuresti. Acum suntem oficial SC BumaSoft SRL.

Tg-jiu Servicii
  • Varadinet va ofera: -Servicii IT profesionale în Oradea. -Dezvoltarea de aplicaţii locale şi web, baze de date. -Web design, optimizare pentru motoare de căutare, hosting. -Administrarea software a infrastructirii IT, instalări, configurări, devirusări. -Consultanţă software şi hardware.

Oradea Servicii
  • Firma S.C. Multinvest 2005 SRL din Targu Mures este distribuitor al produselor si solutiilor software de automatizare Wonderware în Romania. Wonderware este liderul mondial pe piata solutiilor software pentru automatizari industriale, avand un numar de peste 500.000 licente vandute la peste 100.000 de utilizatori importanti din domeniul industriei producatoare, prelucratoare, energetice, metalurgice, farmaceutice, constructoare de masini, automatizari de cladiri si utilitati. Avand o echipa tanara, formata din programatori si ingineri talentati, oferim solutii complete de automatizari pentru diferite procese si tehnologii industriale. Va rugam sa consultati pagina noastra web pentru a afla mai multe informatii despre produsele si solutiile software Wonderware si sa ne contactati pentru a stabili de comun acord modalitatile concrete de colaborare. Pentru orice informatii legate de solutiile de automatizare va stam la dispozitie.

Targu Mures Distribuitor
  • Firma specializata in solutii software dedicate, solutii complexe destinate in special firmelor romanesti. Exemple concrete de produse ar fi : Pachet software destinat pentru orice firma romaneasca, vanzatoare de produse: site prezentare + magazin online + sistem gestiune si facturare automata + POS vanzari casa de marcat sau Pachet software destinat oricarei service auto: Site prezentare (cu sau fara shop), optional cu parte suport client service incorporat + program generare devize service auto + sistem facturare si gestiune.

Arad Producator
  • EYTRO, este o societate IT cu management german si cu peste 15 ani de experienta pe piata germana, avand ca obiectiv dezvoltarea rapida a unor solutii destinate unei largi varietati de afaceri. Ca si partener Microsoft, specialitatea noastra primordiala este plalnificarea, programarea si asigurarea asistentei serviciilor IT.

Sibiu Servicii
  • Companie 100% romaneasca care activeaza pe piata din romania din anul 2007 cu peste 100 de siteuri create pentru diferiti clienti din romania si din europa. Cream la comanda orice site indiferent de natura lui.

Bucuresti Altul
  • IT Evolution va ofera servicii hardware si software.

Constanta Servicii
  • Overview Saguaro Technologies is a high-value software engineering firm based in the U.S. with engineering offices in Romania. Saguaro offers fast-growing multinational enterprises the technology skills and geographic reach needed to bring strategic, complex products to market faster, with the highest quality and lower overall costs. Saguaro's engineering services has two ISO-certified subsidiaries: Saguaro Print and SaguaroNet. Technical Capabilities Saguaro's engineer skills and capabilities include: - Adept in all the major software development models: agile, waterfall, iterative - Extensive experience in multiple application areas, including real-time embedded systems, microcontrollers, networking, user-centric design, performance-based software development and testing, imaging, printing, animation, 3D modeling, technical writing and documentation, customer training - Proficiency in all the major programming languages, operating systems, web technologies, databases - Design of structure and quality into software code to facilitate integration, maintenance, problem resolution, test automation. The Saguaro Difference: "Ownership Model": Many fast-paced enterprises, seeking additional software engineering developers, have had difficulties finding stable, affordable and committed resources. In response, Saguaro pioneered the "Ownership Model". Under this Model, our employees commit to fully owning our client's goals and objectives and our team members behave just like fellow employees, align with the client's corporate culture, and embrace the same standards and outcomes set by our clients. Saguaro's skilled, talented workforce is assembled by and for each specific client, and team members are completely integrated with the client's internal technical groups. Working on a true peer-to-peer basis, Saguaro software engineers participate fully in the entire product lifecycle-from product definition to development, testing/QA, documentation, system integration, and 24/7 customer support. Because clients see Saguaro as an essential and integral part of their company, most engagements are measured in multiple years. Saguaro Technology

Timisoara Servicii
  • Consultanta resurse umane in domeniul IT. Recrutare, selectie si evaluare a candidatilor. Evaluari psihoaptitudinale si de potrivire pe post. Evaluare a climatului organizational. Consultanta si orientare in cariera.

Galati Servicii
  • Punctul nostru forte este acela ca putem realiza ORICE aplicatie software. Lucram in acest domeniu de aproximativ 5 ani. - Web design - Web hosting - Software development - IT Software Advisor - Custom Software Design - IT Security Advisor

Bucuresti Servicii