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Software - Electronice & IT: 742 companii
  • Oferim solutii GPS complete destinate flotelor auto. Hartile acopera Romania integral si ofera functii de geolocatie complexe. Asiguram service 24 ore specialistii nostri se deplaseaza in cel mai scurt timp pentru asistenta tehnica.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Embarcadero Technologies Romania is the Iasi-based R&D center of Embarcadero Technologies Inc. It was started in 2006 and it is now one of the largest IT companies in Iasi, being responsible for some of the best development and database tools in the entire industry (as JBuilder, C++ Builder, RAD Studio, DBArtisan, Delphi, ER/Studio to name just few of the 16 projects we deal with in Iasi). Founded in 1993, Embarcadero is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with offices located around the world. Embarcadero serves more than three million users in thousands of companies and organizations worldwide. From independent software vendors, systems integrators and value added resellers to government organizations, OEMs, and IT and R&D groups within large enterprise teams, Embarcadero tools empower developers and database professionals to design things right, build them faster, optimize and run them better. Embarcadero products are used in the most demanding vertical industries in 29 countries and by more than 97% of the Global 2000 world?s biggest companies. For more information about our company and products please visit If you are interested, please send us your resume or ask questions about all open job opportunities in Iasi at e-mail. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

Iasi Servicii
  • Firma XiSoft se ocupa cu dezvoltarea de software pentru administrarea asociatiilor de proprietari. Se ofera un program informatic pentru Windows, asistenta si suport prin email, telefon sau direct pe forumul nostru.

Cluj-napoca Producator
  • IT Exchange este o companie de dezvoltare software, localizata in Cluj Napoca, Romania, ce ofera servicii software complete. IT Exchange ofera o gama variata de servicii de dezvoltare software, servicii de dezvoltare web si servicii de marketing si optimizare pentru motoarele de cautare. Clientii nostrii variaza de la companii mici la corporatii si leaderi de piata.

Cluj-napoca Servicii
  • Infiintata in 2000, firma EBS Romania S.R.L. s-a pozitionat pe piata romaneasca si internationala de profil ca si furnizor de solutii software. Domeniile de activitate ale firmei sunt: - dezvoltarea, promovarea si implementarea sistemului integrat de gestiune de tip ERP CLARVISION, destinat firmelor de productie industriala din Romania. Clienti: Ergolemn - Satu Mare, Delphi Packard - Sannicolau Mare, UCM Resita - Resita, Diana Forest ? Bacau, Unimet - Cluj Napoca, Magic Systems - Brasov - ITO, Nearshore Software Development, indeosebi pentru clienti din spatiul germanic Clienti: GIP ? Germania, DaimlerChrysler ? Austria, DKV Euroservice ? Germania, Data Global ? Germania, Benteler ? Germania, Gorbit ? Germania, Hansalog, Germania, Lexware ? Germania. - BPO, prestari de servicii adiacente informaticii (salarizare, contabilitate financiara, customer support, prelucrari de documente, mentenanta sistemelor informatice etc.) Clienti in Europa: BMW - Germania, Imprimerie Central - Luxembourg, Lexware - Germania, TDS/Fujitsu - Germania Clienti in Romania: Docessensis SRL, GIPRO SRL In cadrul companiei noastre lucreaza peste 220 de informaticieni si economisti (crestere cu 30% fata de 2007), media de varsta fiind de circa 30 de ani. EBS Romania este clasata in topul primilor 5 ofertanti de solutii software ERP din Romania, cu sistemul integrat CLARVISION. EBS ocupa locul 22 in Topul celor mai buni 100 de angajatori, top realizat de revista Capital in 2006 si pe locul 45 in 2007. In 2007 cifra de afaceri a firmei a fost de 4.9 mil. EURO, o crestere de 60% fata de 2006. EBS este ?Microsoft Gold Certified Partner (din 2006) si ?SUN Iforce Partner? (din 2003). In vederea imbunatatirii continue a calitatii proceselor, EBS a obtinut certificarea ISO 9001, ITIL si ISTQB. Pe lista de clienti ai firmei noastre se regasesc: � Delphi Packard, Sannicolau Mare � Ergolemn, Satu Mare � Electroarges, Curtea de Arges � Autonova, Satu Mare � Mentchim, Ramnicu Valcea � Victoria, Arad � DaimlerChrysler, Austria � GIP, Germania � BMW, Germania � DKV Euroservice, Germania � Imprimerie Centrale, Luxemburg � Lexware, Germania Secretul succeselor noastre il constituie orientarea deplina spre nevoile clientilor precum si investitia permanenta in resursele umane ale firmei noastre. Relatiile de colaborare dintre colegii nostri se bazeaza pe incredere si respect reciproc, transparenta, comunicare si corectitudine.

Cluj-napoca Servicii
  • TeamNet International, software development company with 11+ years experience and more than 500 specialists, Oracle Partner, Microsoft Gold Partner, ISO 9001:2000 certified. Our mission is to provide high quality IT solutions, using the best software technologies, in order to improve our customers efficiency, productivity and business performance. Our specialists are permanently trained to be up to date with the latest IT technology. Quality defines the people, the technologies, the solutions and the services offered by our company.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • APAL Informatique SRL este o intreprindere de servicii in informatica specializata in implementarea de produse soft (open source sau proprietar), dezvoltarea pe masura, mentenanta si migratia aplicatiilor informatice. APAL propune clientilor sai prestatii de inalt profesionalism in domeniul informaticii de intreprindere si de document management utiliz�nd tehnologii internet. APAL face parte din ACXIO Group, intreprindere franceza cu sediul social in zona Pariziana care mai detine o agentie la Iasi, ACXIO Eastern Europe. Clientii APAL sunt companii de anvergura din Franta si Rom�nia convinsi, de de-a lungul anilor de colaborare, de calitatea prestatiilor echipelor noastre.

Bucuresti Producator
  • Odata cu evolutia tehnologiei, sistemele de afisare grafica de mari dimensiuni devin din ce in ce mai populare, mai usor de utilizat si achizitionat. In publicitatea vizuala, panotajul stradal va fi inlocuit in proportie de 80% de sisteme de afisare grafica cu imagini in miscare. Managementul automat al spoturilor publicitare video, programele informatice care afiseaza informatia sau genereaza rapoartele de difuzare sunt absolut necesare in aceasta noua afacere. Pana in 2016 Ikon SOFT va fi lider de piata in Romania in aplicatii video dedicate sistemelor publicitare video indoor&outdoor. Ne dezvoltam urmand doua directii: outsourcing si dezvoltarea de produse proprii din categoria aplicatiilor multimedia.

Cluj-napoca Servicii
  • Erpk Web Sa is the owner of EREPUBLIK is a combination of a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) and a social network. It's a totally new world, with a multiplayer simulator from the current world, based on a website and textual elements with a search for easy navigation, reflecting a version of the real world where citizens of different countries interact. EREPUBLIK is a social network that allows users, or ?citizens? to interact, to create original content and to follow their political, economic or military aspirations to change the course of history. As part of the EREPUBLIK World, users have the opportunity to develop the economy and create a functional society by setting up political institutions and private companies, as well as serving their country through politics or the military.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Vetigraph este o companie franceza furnizoare de sisteme CAD pt industria de confectii.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Firedive Interactive Media, Webdesign, Corporate Identity and Branding Mai multe informatii : Cateva proiecte reprezentative :

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Firma este producator Software Restaurant, Hotel, Gestiune, Pda, PALM. Sistemul nostru de gestiune e conceput pentru o evidenta exacta a stocurilor de materii prime si produse finite, a clientilor, a preturilor si adaosului practicat. Ofera control asupra produselor intrate in gestiune, asupra transferurilor si vanzarilor. Pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ne contactati.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • NetMatch characterizes itself as Microsoft technology specialist. NetMatch builds e-business software/(web) applications with Microsoft software on the Microsoft .NET framework. By developing software on the Microsoft .NET platform we embrace the Microsoft technologies of the future. .NET offers highly advanced possibilities for integration. Netmatch is a service orientated organization with a high level of knowledge. The past few years our working method had conducted to successful e-business projects, a stable file of customers, and a healthy growth of our venture. It’s now time to change our pay-off to be clearer in what we stand for and which direction we wish to go. NetMatch, tourism internet software solutions.

Cluj-napoca Servicii
  • DCI Database for Commerce and Industry Romania S.R.L. Brasov este sucursala firmei DCI Database for Commerce and Industry AG Starnberg, Germania . Suntem o firma specializata in crearea, intretinerea si dezvoltarea de baze de date in domeniul IT/TK /UE /HH, servicii WEB precum si crearea si dezvoltarea de programe. Oferim servicii de: -       calificari de date in domeniul ITK /electrotehnic /electronic -       crearea de cataloage electronice -       digitizari de cataloage -       prelucrari grafice -       califcari in eCl@ss , UNSPSC -       creare /intretienere WebSite -       eMail Marketing -       WAI - aplicatie web pentru afisarea de News-uri, produse promotionale, brosuri (WAI-Pages) DCI leaga comertul in Internet - astazi deja intreaga bransa ITK germana, iar conform planurilor noastre de viitor, pe plan international si in domenii diferite. DCI, este o firma in crestere cu solutii inovative E-Commerce pt. B-2-B   a.. noi unim cumparatorii cu vinzatorii   b.. cream transparenta pe piata si la preturi   c.. simplificam intregul proces comercial   d.. facem E-Commerce-ul eficient si atractiv

Brasov Servicii
  • Companie infiintata in anul 2001 avand ca obiect de activitate principala implementarea unor programe de gestiune, conceperea solutiilor hardware si software ca activitate secundara fiind comercializarea de hrana pentru animale de companie.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • MaxCAD este Reseller Autorizat Autodesk si Centru de Instruire Autorizat Autodesk care comercializeaza toate pachetele software ale producatorului american pentru proiectare asistata de calculator in domeniul mecanicii, arhitecturii, constructiilor, infrastructurii, al sistemelor informationale geografice si multimedia. MaxCAD ofera orice program marca Autodesk si in plus consultanta, curs de instruire si suport tehnic pentru acesta.

Bucuresti, Sect. 2 Distribuitor
  • Softgrup LTD este creat in anul 2004. Firma este specializata in domeniul prelucrarii si implementarii software-ului de conducere si control in bazele de cereale si in morile de cereale. Firma este liderul confirmat pe piata bulgareasca.

Sofia, Bulgaria Producator
  • Compania noastra este o noua companie de multimedia, noi vrem sa developam o retea pe web pt trade international de B2B, ecommert, vanzari si marketing online. La fel proiectele noastre sunt pentru publicatiile pe internet de media, publicitate, news, etc.

Zagavia Servicii
  • Ocenture is a national provider of leading-edge private label products and services. Ocenture applies technology, advanced member support, national network access and advanced marketing assistance to help companies achieve increased distributor loyalty and enhanced overall profitability.

Iasi Servicii
  • R.S.I. (Retele Sisteme Informatice) este o societate Franco-Romana de servicii informatice infiintata in 1994 avand ca principal obiect de activitate realizarea de produse program de gestiune economica. In paralel dezvoltam aplicatii la cerere pentru piata externa, in special pentru Franta.

Bucuresti Servicii