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Electronice & IT: 4574 companii
  • Sc Prodcom General 2002 Srl se ocupa cu vanzarea de: contactori electrici automati tip electroaparataj (Rg, Ar, Usol, Drg, Oromax) cat si de reconditionarea acestora, asiguram piese de schimb si garantie 12    luni.

Cornetu Producator
  • Firma noastra a luat fiinta in anul 2004 pentru a putea satisface cat mai bine clientii si dorintele acestora. In fiecare zi dorim sa oferim clientilor servicii de cea mai buna calitate si preturile cele mai bune de pe piata. Astfel incercam sa ne extindem afacerea in cat mai multe domenii pe care clientii le cer, pentru satisfacerea necesitatilor acestora.

Pitesti Importator
  • Ne dedicam frumosului si utilului. Mobila pe care o realizam (hand made) este functionala si are design. Tinem cont de modificarile aparute in stilul de viata al omului modern si de aceea realizam (in special) mobila pentru tehnologia moderna - pentru laptop, pentru home office, pentru navigat pe internet.

Targoviste Producator
  • Coprind este o firma specializata in servicii si consultanta IT. Ne ocupam de proiectare si executie infrastructura IT, de administrare sisteme informatice: computere de birou, portabile si echipamente periferice, servere, infrastructura retea si oferim solutii customizate pentru fiecare client.

Ploiesti Servicii
  • Realizez la comanda circuite imprimate pentru montaje electronice (prototip) si serii mici la cele mai mici preturi posibile ! Aspect executie : semiprofesional. Cablaj: simplu strat cu gauri stanate, la numai 15 Ron/dm2 (15 Ron/ 100 cm2).

Ploiesti Servicii
  • Setrio Soft ofera servicii integrate de tehnologie a informatiei pentru companiile ce activeaza in domeniile: sanatate, comert, turism. Echipa noastra este tanara, dinamica, numarand peste 25 de angajati cu o vasta experienta in analiza, dezvoltare, implementare, suport si consultanta software si hardware.

Bucuresti Producator
  • We offer unlimited Hosting Plan for $3.33. Unlimited Disk Space, Unlimited Data Transfer, Unlimited Email Accounts, Unlimited Mysql. You will never have to upgrade to another plan for life! Web for Everyone ! Web for Each !

Oradea Servicii
  • Dualvalcost Solution SRL este o companie de web design din Romania, specializata in realizarea de site-uri web profesionale, intretinere site-uri, programare web, optimizarea si promovarea lor pe cele mai importante motoare de cautare romanesti si internationale, oferind totodata servicii multimedia precum: crearea de cd-uri de prezentare, bannere publicitare web, animatii flash, design logo, mape de prezentare, carti de vizita, panoramic view, e-cards.

Vidra Servicii
  • We specialize in exporting ESD Products such as ESD rubber mat, ESD chair, ESD wrist strap, ESD foot grounder, ESD tweezer, ESD brush, ESD bottle, ESD box ect. We also supply the high temperature tape and clean room products.

Hefei Import - Export
  • Oferim servicii online, operare Pc, redactare, tehnoredactare articole pentru web log - blog, administrare site-uri, publicitate, reclame, contabilitate, evidenta primara si desenare in Adobe Designer.

Galati Altul
  • "we Create. we Design. we Innovate." - acesta este sloganul firmei noastre. Este simplu si onest. Este ceea ce vrem sa iti oferim tie. Este real si sustenabil datorita experientei vaste acumulate in acest domeniu, datorita profesionalismului si talentului oamenilor nostri care fac si vor face parte din echipa noastra. Impreuna suntem o stuctura unitara si puternica, fiecare din noi avand un rol bine definit, specializat pe un anumit departament, fie ca vorbim de cel de Management sau Creatie, Programare Testare, Managementul Calitatii sau Vanzari. Inca de la infiintare, ne-am propus sa fim eficienti si sa oferim tuturor clientilor solutia optima, indiferent de nivelul la care acestia se aflau. Astfel, ne prezentam in fata ta nu numai ca un dezvoltator de site-uri web. Suntem partenerul tau de incredere in alegerea unei strategii de imagine care sa dea rezultate. Dar inainte de orice, suntem oameni pasionati de ceva. Iar acel ceva se reflecta in fiecare proiect facut pentru tine.

Floresti Producator
  • Numele meu este catalin Marin si, prin intermediul siteului meu, ofer servicii de webdesign, programare web, grafica, optimizare seo. Consider ca lumea online poate fi o solutie pentru oricine are o idee originala iar posibilitatile de promovare pe care le ofera piata online de azi pot oferi soltii de dezvoltare firmelor care doresc sa se afirme. Vizitati !

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Oferim servicii de reparatii Calculatoare in Bucuresti la sediul firmei sau la domiciliul clientului. Instalare Windows 7, XP, Vista. Devirusare Calculatoare, constatare defect si remediere urgenta, schimb sursa, placa de baza, procesor orice componenta defecta, configurare routere.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Noke Led Lighting is a high-tech enterprise specialized in researching, designing, manufacturing and marketing LED lighting products. Our product range includes LED downlights, LED Bulb &spotlight (dimmable and non-dimmable available), LED T8&T5 tube light, LED High bay, LED Panel Light, LED Grow light and etc., our products are of high quality, and most of our products have pass CE&RoHS certification. Web:

Shenzhen Import - Export
  • Producem solutii customizate ERP, business intelligence, salarizare, analiza manageriala, dezvoltare module personalizate la cerere, mijloace fixe, stocuri, vanzari, achizitii, rapoarte, contabilitate, managementul contractelor.

Targu Mures Producator
  • Shenzhen Changyu Times Technology Co.,Ltd has been providing a unique blend of used and refurbished Cisco products and services to the international business community since 2003. Our company is about people and developing trusted relationships. Flexibility is key to our success and this enables us to provide the most effective solution tailored individually for each customer. We provide sensible and reliable advice at a business and technical level. We work closely with manufacturers to bring effective solutions to customers. With long term goals and relationshipswe become trusted advisors - responses to independent marketing and references from customers testify to this. Our teams are well trained, skilled, long-cientious and motivated on your behalf.

Shenzhen Distribuitor
  • Suntem firma producatoare de software de contabilitate, salarii, gestiune, evidenta membrii CAR. Construim software la cererea clientului si in functie de posibilitatile financiare ale fiecarui client. Ne dedicam in totalitate proiectelor asupra carora decidem sa le dam "viata".

Rosiorii De Vede Altul
  • Vand telefon imitatie i Phone sau schimburi telefoane. Vorbim la numarul de telefon 0763393942 sau pe adresa de e-mail. Nu ezitati sa ma contacatati. Va astept !

Chitila Altul
  • Locstar Technology CO.,Ltd established in 1998 and is one of the earliest and biggest companies to sell and produce kinds of electronic lock used in hotel, flat/ apartment, home and so on。 Our product includes RF card lock,IC card lock, Tm card lock, fingerprint &Digital lock, Tm&Digital lock, Ditial &RF Card lock, cabinet lock, suana lock. kinds of home electronic lock, hotel energy saver, hotel safe box,door access control system, lift controller and so on. We can provide a whole hotel lock solution icludes software, lock, encoder, card, handset, switch. Covering a floor area up to 10,000 square kilometers, owning 350 employees, our company has passed ISO9001:2000 quality system certification and CE certification.,and is the members of SHENZHEN High Science And Technology Association. Our factory owns the most complete lock professional manufacturing equipments and most complete quality check equipments in China. Having 12 departments of Product Design Department, R&D Department, Die Manufacturing Department, Die Casting Department, Die Stamping Department, Drill Department, Lathe Department, Linear Cutting Department, Electronic Department, Polishing Department, Assembly Department and Quality Check Department, 95% of lock parts we can make by ourself. Up to the present, Our produces have been used in more than 2000 projects in China and oversea market, Our after service net had covered all over the China and we also cooperate with other oversea companis such as LOB, HST, HALL-SMART, UCA, ALBION and so on. We are constantly making efforts -- -to provide innovation, quality and reliable products -to improve sales and service network -at very competitive prices -comprehensive after-sales service. Allows users to create a society and respect, trusted brand of high-tech smart locks.

Shenzhen Producator
  • Anjo Web Design este singura companie cu capital românesc care distribuie produse destinate nevăzătorilor: bastoane albe, ceasuri Braille şi vorbitoare, ustensile de bucătărie, ustensile de scris Braille, jocuri, jucării, materiale didactice, software, dispozitive de creare a etichetelor Braille şi audio, lupe optice şi electronice.

Bucuresti Importator