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Electronice & IT: 4544 companii
  • APAL Informatique SRL este o intreprindere de servicii in informatica specializata in implementarea de produse soft (open source sau proprietar), dezvoltarea pe masura, mentenanta si migratia aplicatiilor informatice. APAL propune clientilor sai prestatii de inalt profesionalism in domeniul informaticii de intreprindere si de document management utiliz�nd tehnologii internet. APAL face parte din ACXIO Group, intreprindere franceza cu sediul social in zona Pariziana care mai detine o agentie la Iasi, ACXIO Eastern Europe. Clientii APAL sunt companii de anvergura din Franta si Rom�nia convinsi, de de-a lungul anilor de colaborare, de calitatea prestatiilor echipelor noastre.

Bucuresti Producator
  • Best Friend Media SRL activeaza in domeniul serviciilor Media si conexe din anul 1996 iar in domeniul IT din anul 2002. Principalele domenii de activitate sunt : Servicii internet, media, comert in domeniul IT.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Suntem producatori de  web design profesionist, logo design, spoturi publicitare, infiintati in anul 2008. Pentru mai multe detalii contactati-ne pe telefon 0721735065 sau vizitati site-ul

Pitesti Producator
  • Limitless potential: my career, my team Flextronics is a leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider focused on delivering complete design, engineering and manufacturing services to automotive, computing, consumer digital, industrial, infrastructure, medical and mobile OEMs. With the acquisition of Solectron, pro forma fiscal year 2008 revenues from continuing operations are more than US$33.6 billion. Flextronics helps customers design, build, ship, and service electronics products through a network of facilities in 30 countries on four continents. This global presence provides design and engineering solutions that are combined with core electronics manufacturing and logistics services, and vertically integrated with components technologies, to optimize customer operations by lowering costs and reducing time to market. Our global footprint spanning from Asia to Europe and the Americas allows our employees to work and interact with more than 200,000 colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds. One of the biggest Flextronics manufacturing site in Europe, Flextronics Timisoara with over 4000 employees is in the same time on of the most important employer in the West Country area, providing it?s employees with boundless opportunities to work at a global scale and expertise. Come and Explore! Visit our Careers site to search and apply for open positions.

Timisoara Producator
  • It Top Solutions a luat fiinta in 2005 si are ca obiect de activitate promovarea si implemetarea sistemului software Automaster. Sistemul Automaster este dezvoltat de catre Automaster Oy Finlanda si este un sistem informatic destinat dealerilor auto. In momentul de fata sistemul Automaster este solutia recomandata de catre Daimler Chrysler, Ford si Opel, pentru dealerii acestor marci din Europa de est. In prezent firma It Top Solutions implementeaza sistemul Automaster la dealerii Daimler Chrysler din Romania. Printre proiectele realizate in anul 2006 enumeram: - Aliat Tg Mures - dealer Mercedes pentru marcile Chrysler, Mitsubishi; - Casa Auto Bucuresti - dealer Mercedes pentru marcile Smart, Chrysler; - Popeci Craiova - dealer Mercedes pentru marca Chrysler. Datorita rezultatelor de exceptie obtinute pe piata din Romania, It Top Solutions a fost desemnata sa reprezinte Automaster si pe piata din Bulgaria.

Bucuresti Producator
  • Odata cu evolutia tehnologiei, sistemele de afisare grafica de mari dimensiuni devin din ce in ce mai populare, mai usor de utilizat si achizitionat. In publicitatea vizuala, panotajul stradal va fi inlocuit in proportie de 80% de sisteme de afisare grafica cu imagini in miscare. Managementul automat al spoturilor publicitare video, programele informatice care afiseaza informatia sau genereaza rapoartele de difuzare sunt absolut necesare in aceasta noua afacere. Pana in 2016 Ikon SOFT va fi lider de piata in Romania in aplicatii video dedicate sistemelor publicitare video indoor&outdoor. Ne dezvoltam urmand doua directii: outsourcing si dezvoltarea de produse proprii din categoria aplicatiilor multimedia.

Cluj-napoca Servicii
  • Fondata in 1994 compania Genesys Systems a acumulat si a dezvoltat competente deosebite in domeniul IT&C, pozitionandu-se ca furnizor de aplicatii software de business, servicii profesionale, solutii si sisteme complexe. Genesys Systems detine certificarile Sistemul de Management al Calitatii conform ISO 9001:2001, Sistemul de Management al Securitatii Informatiei ISO 27001:2006 si Sistemul de Management de Mediu 140001 : 2005, avand in prezent peste 90 de angajati, localizati in cele 3 sedii din Bucuresti, Timisoara si Cluj-Napoca. Compania Genesys Systems are o strategie bazata pe intergrarea celor patru “S” (Solutii, Sisteme, Servicii, Software) iar ca urmare a numeroaselor certificari si parteneriate pe care le-a obtinut de-a lungul timpului, detine numeroase compentente pentru serviciile IT&C profesionale aflate in portofoliul sau, oferind clientilor o gama larga de aplicatii software dezvoltate in-house sau aplicatii software third-party, servicii profesionale, solutii si sisteme adaptate nevoilor de business ale companiilor, deruland peste 2000 de proiecte, realizate direct sau impreuna cu partenerii sai locali si internationali. Pe parcursul celor 15 ani de activitate, GENESYS SYSTEMS a reusit sa acumuleze o experienta deosebita in proiectarea si implementarea de solutii complexe, de sisteme si infrastructuri care includ intreaga gama de produse IT&C: computere, periferice si echipamente de stocare, echipamente de comunicatie, cablare structurata si electroalimentare, produse si aplicatii software. Portofoliul GENESYS SYSTEMS include o gama variata de sisteme si solutii de infrastructura IT&C (centre de date, virtualizare servere, stocare date, retele de computere, electroalimentare, cablare structurata, sisteme voce/date, achizitie date si control de proces), aplicatii software (portaluri Web, aplicatii e-business, solutii CRM, SCM, ERP, DMS, EAM, ECM, Billing, Network Inventory si altele), precum si o gama completa de servicii hardware si software, astfel incat sa putem raspunde diverselor solicitari ce vin din partea clientilor si a potentialilor clienti.

Bucuresti Altul
  • Firma X-System 2003 va propune un sistem de dispozitive wireless, pe care va puteti publica propria reclama, la un pret foarte avantajos. De asemenea va oferim servicii de proiectare retele de calculatoare, cablare, instalari servere specializate (NAS-Network Area Storage, E-mail server cu filtrare antispam, antivirus, actualizare automata a antivirusului)etc, instalari devirusari statii de lucru.

Suceava Servicii
  • DAB IT Outsourcing ofera servicii de externalizare it pentru companiile mici si mijlocii din Bucuresti si imprejurimi. Oferim servicii it cu ajutorul celor mai buni tineri profesionisti in domeniul IT din Bucuresti. Pentru mai multe detalii despre servicii it oferite de firma noastra, va rugam sa accesati site-ul:

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Medianet Design este o firma specializata in realizarea imaginii firmei dumneavoastra pe Web. Succesele noastre sunt transferate firmei dumneavoastra cu ajutorul unor programatori si designeri profesionisti, sustinuti de o echipa manageriala tanara, ambitioasa, flexibila si eficienta. Scopul nostru este de s livra servicii de calitate care sa aiba impact asupra clientilor nostri si in acelasi timp sa atinga scopul propus de dumneavoastra. Suntem un mijloc princare firma dumneavoastra va excela pe piata online.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • FIT Consulting este o companie tanara in plina dezvoltare cu un obiectiv clar sa ofere solutii IT&C complete adaptate necesitatilor fiecarui client in parte. Compania are ca principal domeniu de activitate furnizarea de servicii si consultanta IT&C pentru companiile mici si mijlocii. Serviciile oferite sunt garantate de catre echipa FIT Consulting, aceasta fiind capabila sa gestioneze orice aspect al domeniului IT&C. Indiferent de domeniul de activitate, de necesitatile IT&C sau de marimea unei companii, FIT Consulting isi propune sa aduca un plus de valoare prin solutiile si serviciile oferite.

Piatra Neamt Servicii
  • Importator direct calculatoare second hand, laptopuri second hand, imprimante second hand HP laserjet, imprimante second hand multifunctionale, monitoare second hand tft sau led , componente second hand pentru calculatoare, componente second hand pentru laptopuri la preturi foarte avantajoase . Toate produsele provin din tarile Uniunii Europene, reprezentand loturi de produse ce au fost schimbate de-a lungul timpului de diverse companii. Aceastea au fost testate si reconditionate inainte de a fi vandute. Intrucat dorim sa oferim o calitate superioara a produselor comercializate de noi am ales sa va oferim doar marci de renume cum ar fi: Dell, HP/Compaq, Lenovo, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Philips, Asus, Acer, Packard Bell.

Bragadiru Importator
  • Relational Romania is a subsidiary of Relational Technology SA, a Greek IT company established in 1995 and operating in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland and Cyprus. As a fast growing company we are seeking enthusiastic professionals who are eager for a challenging career in the IT business.

Bucuresti Distribuitor
  • Infiintata in 1991, DEC este cea mai inovativa companie dezvoltatoare de solutii IT din Romania. DEC SRL ofera atat servicii de dezvoltare aplicatii software si de integrare de sisteme, cat si solutii IT la cheie dezvoltate conform specificului fiecarui client, asigurand astfel indeplinirea tintita a nevoilor de management eficient al resurselor umane, securitatea organizatiei precum si eliminarea posibilelor situatii de frauda din afara sau din interiorul organizatiei. DEC este specializata pe solutii IT pentru control acces, pontaj, ticketing pentru ski, piscine, stadion, parcare, supraveghere video si vanzari mobile. Viziunile inovative de management impreuna cu angajamentul echipei noastre de profesionisti au constituit dintotdeauna motorul dezvoltarii continue si sustinute ale companiei noastre.

Oradea Distribuitor
  • QUAD SYSTEMS vinde online echipamente de tehnica de calcul si produse software in mediul business, educational sau home. Preturi excelente la toate produsele existente pe site-ul companiei. Solutii IT si Comunicatii, Solutii de Securitate, Comert electronic, Servicii administrative.

Constanta Servicii
  • About Geometric Geometric is a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services and Digital Technology solutions for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle. Geometric was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE: 532312) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE: GEOMETRIC) in India. For its consolidated operations for the year ending March 2007, the company recorded revenues of 3.95 Billion Rupees (85 Million US Dollars), with market capitalization of 6.2 Billion Rupees (142 Million US Dollars) as on 31 March 2007. The company has two main business subsidiaries. Geometric Engineering, Inc., formerly Modern Engineering, Inc., headquartered in Rochester Hills MI, provides product engineering and manufacturing engineering solutions to the automotive and industrial sectors. Geometric Technologies, Inc., formerly Teksoft, Inc., headquartered in Phoenix AZ, develops and supplies cutting-edge productivity solutions for manufacturing operations. Geometric employs over 3000 people delivering solutions from 10 global delivery locations in the US, France, Romania, India, and China. The company is assessed at SEI CMMI Level 5 for its software services and the engineering operations are ISO 9001:2000 certified. Geometric has a joint venture with Dassault Systmes, 3D PLM Software Solutions Ltd., which was set up in 2002 with an equity participation of 70% and 30% respectively. Learning Opportunities Geometric has partnerships with all the global vendors in the PLM arena and our customers include leading names in the global engineering and manufacturing domains. This provides a wide spectrum of opportunities in terms of various technologies, development platforms, and industry verticals. The work content varies from software development in Offshore Development Centers for customers, core product development to high-end engineering services at various offshore and near shore locations. It is also worthwhile mentioning here that, Geometric is recognized amongst 100 IT innovators in India by Nasscom because of its focus on quality and passion for excellence its area of work. Culture Our culture fosters honesty in relations with colleagues, partners and customers; respect for individuals and their personal aspirations and needs; an abiding passion to solve customer needs; and a shared sense of celebration in our daily work. Career Growth Geometric encourages people to grow without boundaries. Our unique policy to facilitate an employee to switch between career ladders helps them to break the monotony of being in one role for long and keeps them motivated to excel, thus ensuring a healthy work environment. Geometric figures in the best employers in the Indian IT sector. The fact that Geometric has been ranked as one of the Top 20 Best Employers by Dataquest for two consecutive years (2006, 2007) only substantiates our commitment towards maintaining a conducive work culture and facilitating all round growth. For further details, please visit

Brasov Altul
  • Media-Sun Solutions este o companie tanara, dar formata din persoane cu experianta in domeniu, pasionate de ultimile tehnologii si dornice de afirmare. Oferim servicii web proprii de calitate, webdevelopment si software.

Iasi Servicii
  • Societate de Elaborare Soft Servicii Informatice (ESSI) este creata in 1990 , a elaborat un sistem informatic integrat pe domeniul gestiunii economice. Nu are datorii sau alte  obligatii, nu are personal angajat

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Firma noastra in Ungaria are relatii cu producatori si fabrici internationale de componente PC. Principalele componente P.C. comercializate de firmele noastre: - procesoare: INTEL (toata gama) si AMD (toata gama în afara de Opteron), - ram: KINGSTON, KINGMAX, PQI si VERITECH (VM), - flash drive: VERITECH (VM), PQI si TINYDISK, - hard disk drive: HITACHI, SEAGATE , SAMSUNG si MAXTOR.

Cluj-napoca Distribuitor
  • Erpk Web Sa is the owner of EREPUBLIK is a combination of a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) and a social network. It's a totally new world, with a multiplayer simulator from the current world, based on a website and textual elements with a search for easy navigation, reflecting a version of the real world where citizens of different countries interact. EREPUBLIK is a social network that allows users, or ?citizens? to interact, to create original content and to follow their political, economic or military aspirations to change the course of history. As part of the EREPUBLIK World, users have the opportunity to develop the economy and create a functional society by setting up political institutions and private companies, as well as serving their country through politics or the military.

Bucuresti Servicii