Medianet Design este o firma specializata in realizarea imaginii firmei dumneavoastra pe Web. Succesele noastre sunt transferate firmei dumneavoastra cu ajutorul unor programatori si designeri profesionisti, sustinuti de o echipa manageriala tanara, ambitioasa, flexibila si eficienta. Scopul nostru este de s livra servicii de calitate care sa aiba impact asupra clientilor nostri si in acelasi timp sa atinga scopul propus de dumneavoastra. Suntem un mijloc princare firma dumneavoastra va excela pe piata online.
FIT Consulting este o companie tanara in plina dezvoltare cu un obiectiv clar sa ofere solutii IT&C complete adaptate necesitatilor fiecarui client in parte. Compania are ca principal domeniu de activitate furnizarea de servicii si consultanta IT&C pentru companiile mici si mijlocii. Serviciile oferite sunt garantate de catre echipa FIT Consulting, aceasta fiind capabila sa gestioneze orice aspect al domeniului IT&C. Indiferent de domeniul de activitate, de necesitatile IT&C sau de marimea unei companii, FIT Consulting isi propune sa aduca un plus de valoare prin solutiile si serviciile oferite.
Importator direct calculatoare second hand, laptopuri second hand, imprimante second hand HP laserjet, imprimante second hand multifunctionale, monitoare second hand tft sau led , componente second hand pentru calculatoare, componente second hand pentru laptopuri la preturi foarte avantajoase . Toate produsele provin din tarile Uniunii Europene, reprezentand loturi de produse ce au fost schimbate de-a lungul timpului de diverse companii. Aceastea au fost testate si reconditionate inainte de a fi vandute. Intrucat dorim sa oferim o calitate superioara a produselor comercializate de noi am ales sa va oferim doar marci de renume cum ar fi: Dell, HP/Compaq, Lenovo, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Philips, Asus, Acer, Packard Bell.
Relational Romania is a subsidiary of Relational Technology SA, a Greek IT company established in 1995 and operating in Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland and Cyprus. As a fast growing company we are seeking enthusiastic professionals who are eager for a challenging career in the IT business.
Infiintata in 1991, DEC este cea mai inovativa companie dezvoltatoare de solutii IT din Romania. DEC SRL ofera atat servicii de dezvoltare aplicatii software si de integrare de sisteme, cat si solutii IT la cheie dezvoltate conform specificului fiecarui client, asigurand astfel indeplinirea tintita a nevoilor de management eficient al resurselor umane, securitatea organizatiei precum si eliminarea posibilelor situatii de frauda din afara sau din interiorul organizatiei. DEC este specializata pe solutii IT pentru control acces, pontaj, ticketing pentru ski, piscine, stadion, parcare, supraveghere video si vanzari mobile. Viziunile inovative de management impreuna cu angajamentul echipei noastre de profesionisti au constituit dintotdeauna motorul dezvoltarii continue si sustinute ale companiei noastre.
QUAD SYSTEMS vinde online echipamente de tehnica de calcul si produse software in mediul business, educational sau home. Preturi excelente la toate produsele existente pe site-ul companiei. Solutii IT si Comunicatii, Solutii de Securitate, Comert electronic, Servicii administrative.
About Geometric Geometric is a specialist in the domain of engineering solutions, services and technologies. Its portfolio of Global Engineering services and Digital Technology solutions for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), enables companies to formulate, implement, and execute global engineering and manufacturing strategies aimed at achieving greater efficiencies in the product realization lifecycle. Geometric was incorporated in 1994 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. It is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE: 532312) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE: GEOMETRIC) in India. For its consolidated operations for the year ending March 2007, the company recorded revenues of 3.95 Billion Rupees (85 Million US Dollars), with market capitalization of 6.2 Billion Rupees (142 Million US Dollars) as on 31 March 2007. The company has two main business subsidiaries. Geometric Engineering, Inc., formerly Modern Engineering, Inc., headquartered in Rochester Hills MI, provides product engineering and manufacturing engineering solutions to the automotive and industrial sectors. Geometric Technologies, Inc., formerly Teksoft, Inc., headquartered in Phoenix AZ, develops and supplies cutting-edge productivity solutions for manufacturing operations. Geometric employs over 3000 people delivering solutions from 10 global delivery locations in the US, France, Romania, India, and China. The company is assessed at SEI CMMI Level 5 for its software services and the engineering operations are ISO 9001:2000 certified. Geometric has a joint venture with Dassault Systmes, 3D PLM Software Solutions Ltd., which was set up in 2002 with an equity participation of 70% and 30% respectively. Learning Opportunities Geometric has partnerships with all the global vendors in the PLM arena and our customers include leading names in the global engineering and manufacturing domains. This provides a wide spectrum of opportunities in terms of various technologies, development platforms, and industry verticals. The work content varies from software development in Offshore Development Centers for customers, core product development to high-end engineering services at various offshore and near shore locations. It is also worthwhile mentioning here that, Geometric is recognized amongst 100 IT innovators in India by Nasscom because of its focus on quality and passion for excellence its area of work. Culture Our culture fosters honesty in relations with colleagues, partners and customers; respect for individuals and their personal aspirations and needs; an abiding passion to solve customer needs; and a shared sense of celebration in our daily work. Career Growth Geometric encourages people to grow without boundaries. Our unique policy to facilitate an employee to switch between career ladders helps them to break the monotony of being in one role for long and keeps them motivated to excel, thus ensuring a healthy work environment. Geometric figures in the best employers in the Indian IT sector. The fact that Geometric has been ranked as one of the Top 20 Best Employers by Dataquest for two consecutive years (2006, 2007) only substantiates our commitment towards maintaining a conducive work culture and facilitating all round growth. For further details, please visit
Media-Sun Solutions este o companie tanara, dar formata din persoane cu experianta in domeniu, pasionate de ultimile tehnologii si dornice de afirmare. Oferim servicii web proprii de calitate, webdevelopment si software.
Societate de Elaborare Soft Servicii Informatice (ESSI) este creata in 1990 , a elaborat un sistem informatic integrat pe domeniul gestiunii economice. Nu are datorii sau alte obligatii, nu are personal angajat
Firma noastra in Ungaria are relatii cu producatori si fabrici internationale de componente PC. Principalele componente P.C. comercializate de firmele noastre: - procesoare: INTEL (toata gama) si AMD (toata gama în afara de Opteron), - ram: KINGSTON, KINGMAX, PQI si VERITECH (VM), - flash drive: VERITECH (VM), PQI si TINYDISK, - hard disk drive: HITACHI, SEAGATE , SAMSUNG si MAXTOR.
Erpk Web Sa is the owner of EREPUBLIK is a combination of a massive multiplayer online game (MMOG) and a social network. It's a totally new world, with a multiplayer simulator from the current world, based on a website and textual elements with a search for easy navigation, reflecting a version of the real world where citizens of different countries interact. EREPUBLIK is a social network that allows users, or ?citizens? to interact, to create original content and to follow their political, economic or military aspirations to change the course of history. As part of the EREPUBLIK World, users have the opportunity to develop the economy and create a functional society by setting up political institutions and private companies, as well as serving their country through politics or the military.
Din 2003 oferim consultanţă de marketing şi soluţii creative pentru promovarea produselor şi serviciilor clienţilor noştri. Expertiza noastră porneşte de la dezvoltarea de produse FMCG (fast moving consumer goods), poziţionarea şi promovarea lor, comunicarea de produse real estate locale şi internaţionale, dar mai ales produse B2B (business to business).
Despec Romania este o firma de distributie IT care face parte dintr-un concern international ce cuprinde peste 20 de filiale in toata lumea. Misiunea noastra este sa devenim partenerul perfect al clientilor nostri, oferindu-le cea mai variata gama de produse, iar serviciile sa se ridice la standarde internationale.
D.M.S AUTO ELECTRONIC SRL ofera servicii de service auto: 1. DIAGNOSTIC computerizat ultima tehnologie pentru toata gama de autoturisme, microbuze si camioane Europene; 2. Sisteme injectie benzina si diesel; 3. Mecanica generala si intretinere.
Societatea noastra Bentos, cu sediul in Bucuresti, isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul electronicii, oferind clientilor sai panouri electronice. Pentru mai maulte detalii, va rugam sa ne contactati.
Vetigraph este o companie franceza furnizoare de sisteme CAD pt industria de confectii.
GITS - Group IT Solutions, inca de la infiintare, a plecat de la ideea de a dezvolta aplicatii complexe de cost minim si randament maxim pentru noile tipuri de afaceri. Aplicatiile sunt dezvoltate 100% cu ajutorul tehnologiilor Java, - pentru a asigura fiabilitate si portabilitate maxima a aplicatiilor (independenta fata de sistemele de operare si platformele hardware); si a tehnologiilor OpenSource, pentru un pret redus la achizitionarea produsului. Firma a luat fiinta in anul 2002 si are sediul central la Sibiu. Scopul declarat al firmei il constituie imbunatatirea mediului de afaceri folosind solutii IT reale si eficiente. In cadrul firmei activeaza un Centru de Dezvoltare al Produselor Software (CDPS) si un Centru de Cercetare Interdisciplinar (CCI) ce asigura suportul tehnic si logistic pentru CDPS . Avantajele noastre: experienta, cunostinte de specialitate, furnizare solutie completa, proiectare si configurare - implementarea solutiei, echipamente, instalare, scolarizare personal, service in garantie si post garantie. De asemenea, la oferirea unei solutii se are in vedere atat reducerea costurilor de achizitie cat si cresterea productivitatii . Solutiile de ultima generatie, experienta, suportul tehnic si logistic asigurat de specialistii nostri determina o crestere a calitatii serviciilor oferite si respectarea cerintelor clientilor.
Visma Software is one of three divisions of Visma AS, an International company with about 3000 employees in 5 countries. Visma R&D aims to strengthen its teams with strong technological and business competencies. These teams will apply new and innovative technology to bring leading products to the market. Visma R&D is a challenging and exciting workplace where all Visma products, from ERP systems to webshops, and from healthcare systems to mobile clients are developed. Visma R&D employs more than 270 developers located in Europe. Our goal is to continuously improve our software development processes in order to achieve high quality and technical excellence.
Claudiupromotion si-a inceput activitatea ca magazin de IT % Electronice, oferind solutii eficiente pentru achizitionarea produselor la un pret convenabil. Cunoscand concurenta existenta pe piata si orientarea spre calitate mai scazuta, ne indreptam eforturile spre a veni in intampinarea acestor cerinte, dar si gasirea de noi produse. Totodata, stim cat de mult conteaza o gama de produse completa atunci cand trebuie sa cauti ceva.De aceea, oferim:pliante, volante, cataloage, mape, carti de vizita, afise, bannere, autocolante, reviste, calendare, formulare, tampografie, gravura laser, birotica si papetarie, etichete, cutii, ambalaje, prospecte, evenimente, standuri, articole promotionale,printuri indoor / outdoor ,toate acestea penru ca dumneavoastra sunteti multumit.
NTC - Next Technology Company Satu Mare este structurata pe 3 departamente: vanzari calculatoare & service, instalare sisteme de supraveghere si alarme, software & webdesign. Departamentul soft realizeaza aplicatii software de gestiune financiar-contabila, salarii si mijloace fixe, precum si aplicatii pentru spitale si medici.