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Compania Cabgame produce cabinete de metal pentru jocuri de noroc! Va putem proiecta si fabrica carcase metalice de orice fel, la cerere. Avantajele produselor noastre sunt de cea mai buna calitate / proiect, la preturi mici si termeni minimi de producere. Putem produce carcase goale si umplute cu toate componentele necesare la cerere. Ne puteti urmari pe paginile: Facebook @cabgame Instagram cabgame_ro
Sc Masterplay Games Srl, cu sediul in Sibiu. Firma detine mai multe sali de jocuri de noroc in judetele Sibiu, Alba si Hunedoara. Oferim spre inchiriere jocuri de noroc (hot spot, gaminator) cu un procent care poate ajunge pana la 50 %. Cautam colaboratori seriosi.
Societatea Pat Mixt S.R.L. este infintata din anul 2005, C.U.I. 16394831, sediul se afla in Sibiu, Str. Scoala de Inot, Nr. 1-3 si are obiectul principal de acivitate, jocuri de noroc. Firma noastra exploateza si vinde jocuri de noroc, are deschise puncte de lucrui in Braila, Bucuresti, Tg. Mures, D.T. Severin, Sibiu, Sebes, Caracal, cu bar, mese de biliard marca brunswick si sala tip casino cu rulete Alphastreet, impreuna cu viedeo pokere.
Compania Atlantic Power Games SRL Bucuresti este infiintata in anul 2011 cu capital majoritar privat si are ca activitate principala desfacerea, intretinerea si serviciile de producere si vanzare a jocurilor electronice de noroc. Experienta acumulata in domeniul jocurilor de noroc, cat si baza tehnica de care dispunem, ne ofera posibilitatea de a va oferi produse si servicii de cea mai buna calitate, fara compromisuri. Compania noastra are o bogata experienta nationala si internationala de 30 de ani in vanzarea jocurilor distractive, a jocurilor de noroc a accesoriilor si a pieselor de schimb pentru acestea. Jocurile de noroc si cele distractive sunt produse originale in conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare CEE din import Italia. Prin prisma acestui fapt, o echipa tanara si specializata orientata spre cumparatori si parteneri, respectul pentru client printr-o oferta profesionista si corecta prin prisma raportului calitate/pret, precum si atentia deosebita acordata fiecarui potential colaborator sunt modurile prin care noi intelegem sa ne prezentam si sa promovam serviciile la cel mai inalt standard calitativ. Un agent al nostru va fi fericit sa vina direct la sediul dumneavoastra sa va explice in detaliu produsele noastre.
Foshan Cy Cheat Poker Co., Ltd. is the first company in China to obtain the manufacturing, distribution and service license of ceiasino and anti Gambling cheating related equipment, such as intelligent poker automatic analysis software, hidden marked poker, poker smoothsayer, magic perspective, poker exchange series, series, intelligent dice series and wireless receiving and display equipment. The company has a network of hundreds of local offices and sales channels, and its products operate in more than 40 countries around the world. The company and its partners have installed more than 20000 units in several international casino operations and established strong market recognition in major markets in the Americas and South Asia. The company is constantly committed to introducing new technologies into the world casino industry and providing customers around the world with a wide range of casino equipment. In Western Europe, Southeast Asia, Central Asia and Latin America have increased market share. Foshan Yukun Trading Co., Ltd. holds the quality system certification ISO 9001 for the design, development, manufacturing, sales and service of game equipment. The company's products have passed the authoritative certification of local laboratories and institutions. In order to comply with gambling regulations, our products have been approved and certified in many countries.
Se ofera parteneriate profitabile cu agentii economici privind activitatea de pacanele, jocuri de noroc. Pacanele, aparatele electronice sunt instalate in spatii comerciale atractive, fara pariuri sportive. Colaborari profitabile.
Suntem o companie care se ocupa cu jocuri de noroc cu sediu in Ramnicu Valcea. Avem 5 locatii in Ramnicu Valcea, peste cincizeci de angajati. Colaboram cu multe companii. Pentru mai multe detalii va rugam sa ne contactati.
Evolution Gaming is the world leading provider of video-streamed Live Casino solutions, delivering world-class, as real as it get's live dealer gaming to our licensees, which include many of the world's best-known gaming brands. Our services, which allow licensees players on desktop, tablet and smartphone to play Live Casino games at real tables and with real dealers, have won multiple industry awards. That success is largely down to the quality and commitment of our people, and we are always looking to expand our talented teams. With live broadcast operations and offices in Latvia and Malta, and a UK office in central London too, we provide a creative, engaging and enthusiastic environment and unique opportunities to apply your skills and work with passion. Whether or not you have previous experience in the casino or live gaming sectors, we believe you can do your best at Evolution and have a career and lifestyle that will fulfill your potential. Interested in joining us? We offer exciting opportunities for dealers, hosts, operational and support staff, gaming developers and others, primarily at our two central live broadcast studios in Latvia and in Malta.
Produsele noastre sunt rezultatul vastei noastre experiente in industrie si al feedback-ului primit din partea jucatorilor. Furnizam o gama de solutii si produse care ofera un design original si functional care contribuie la obtinerea unui profit mai mare pentru clientii nostri.
O noua masa de lucru Ergonomia, perfectiunea tehnologica, jocul fara efort precum si designul unic sunt atributele care incoroneaza fara putinta de tagada Alfastreet R8 ca regina ruletelor elctronice. R8 a fost complet reproiectata si echipa noastra de specialisti a imbunatatit extraordinara platforma a ruletei clasice R8 cu noi caracteristici tehnice, ergonomie imbunatatita si un design complat nou. Masina are o ruleta automata si 8 statii de joc, cu posibilitatea de a selecta touch pad, touch screen sau combinatii de amandoua. Noul ecran de 19a � � impreuna cu o grafica revolutionara permit o pariere usoara si solicita un efort mai mic. Noua ruleta Alfastreet R8 iese in evidenta cu performante imbunatatite, chiar superioare, intretinere usoara, si un apetit ridicat pentru jucator. Clientul poate alege diverse modalitati de plata: bill acceptor, coin acceptor, TITO sistam sau varietati de sistem fata cash.
Debutul si dezvoltarea pe piata pariurilor sportive din Romania este o evolutie fireasca a marcii Winner care ofera o experienta de top pentru milioane de castigatori din intreaga lume. Intentionam sa deschidem un numar de 500 de agentii in Bucuresti si in orasele mari din tara. Este un plan indraznet avand in vedere ca avem niste standarde de calitate foarte inalte de la care nu ne abatem sub nici o forma, dar avem norocul de a avea o echipa de adevarati profesionisti cu experienta in domeniu cu ajutorul careia sigur vom reusi.
Cashpot, o compania cu un management cu multi ani de experienta in acest domeniu, se remarca prin sali de jocuri amenajate si decorate dupa cele mai noi tendinte in materie de confort si eleganta. Locatiile Cashpot reprezinta destinatia perfecta pentru pasionatii de gambling, asigurand o zona propice jocului si o atmosfera placuta.
General Electronics Line este o companie puternica, cu peste 20 ani de experienta pe piata de gambling & entertainment din Romania alaturi de colaboratorii nostri din judetele limitrofe ale capitalei cum ar fi Ilfov, Prahova, Dambovita, Giurgiu, Ialomita, etc. Oferim conditii avantajoase si consultanta de calitate in crearea unei afaceri in domeniul jocurilor pe baza de colaborare cu agentii de pariuri sportive sau locatii care se preteaza domeniului unde se pot creea astfel de afaceri.
Oferim colaborari pentru a incheia parteneriate sigure, durabile, profitabile si de incredere in domeniul jocurilor de noroc (pacanele) si pariuri sportive. Sustinem activitatea prin consultanta directa si indrumare atenta.
Compania Fox Group din Polonia a fost infiintata in 1990. Fox Gaming SRL reprezinta compania Fox Group Polonia pe piata din Romania. Echipa de designeri de grafica si de programatori a condus la o dezvoltare creativa a productiei de jocuri de noroc si nu numai. Suntem singura companie din Polonia care dezvolta software dedicat jocurilor de noroc si care a obtinut certificari pentru video slot machines in intreaga Europa, avand la baza legislatia in domeniul jocurilor de noroc. Astfel, de-a lungul anilor am obtinut certificari in Polonia (2004 - 2009), Cehia (2007), Slovacia (2008), Ungaria (2009) si in Germania (2011-2014), iar recent pe piata jocurilor de noroc din Romania.
Incepand cu anul 2006 pana in 2015, firma Hariss Will Com Srl a functionat principal pe baruri si vanzarea cu amanuntul, din 2015 am schimbat domeniul principal de activitate si am trecut pe productie, in principal productia de mese de poker Texas Hold'em profesionale.
Companie in plina dezvoltare cu personal tanar si dornic de afirmare in domeniul nostru de activitate. Pentru viitor avem planuri deosebite si speram sa ajungem una din companiille de top ale judetului.
(Guangzhou XF Professional Casino poker gambling cheat Co., Ltd) Guangzhou XF poker Cheat. Co., Ltd is the first Chinese company which was granted a License for manufacturing, distribution and service of casino and gamble cheat related devices, such as smart poker Automatic Analytic Software, poker analyzer, Hidden Marked Pokers, poker Exchange Series, magical Perspective Series, smart dices Series and Wireless Receive & display Devices. Besides, poker cheat, marked cards, poker changer, casino dices sell at a good price! Below you may see a presentation of our offer: 1 NEW!!! Poker Analyzer(poker card read) to report all the pokers or report which payer is biggest and bigger to you in just 1 second, support for all poker games: Blackjack, Mau Mau, Omaha Poker, Bull, Texas hold em poker cheat, seca Russian poker game... 2 NEW!!! NO.10th Poker Smoothsayer (poker card read) support 3 decks of poker. newest in gamble market. 3 NEW!!! Micro cameras that can see through cards without them being marked. Perspective glasses that allow the person wearing them to see cards marked with invisible ink. 4 new!!! Playing cards with a code marked through phone, ashtray, money, purse, lighter, painting with incorporated micro-camera able to recognize the code and transmit it on a laptop (range of 5,000 meters). This way you'll have a sure win because from outside you'll be able to see the pack of cards used during the game. his is the strongest system in the world. 5. remote controlled magnetic dices, to get whatever number you need.. 6. contact lenses, custom designed in the laboratory, able to help the person using them to identify cards marked with invisible ink. Skype: xfsales7 Mobile: +8613926243807 Whatsapp/Viber/Wechat: +8613926243807 ICQ: 691640554 http://xfpokerplaycheat.ecer.com/ https://www.atupapa.com/shop/1240800108/ http://kitairu.net/companies/94545.html https://www.facebook.com/andy.xiao.1420 https://twitter.com/AndyXiao4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nQQXE3a_LCk
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