Oferim servicii de gazduire web si servicii conexe intr-un mediu dinamic, competitiv si optim pentru performanta. Detinem multiple legaturi prin fibra optica, fiecare dintre acestea avand traseu separat de la furnizor la datacenter pentru a evita fiber-cut-uri multiple, capacitatea totala fiind in permanenta cu 50% mai mare decat consumul mediu.
Institutul are ca obiect de activitate extinderea cercetarilor stiintifice si arheologice ale manuscriselor biblice antice reprezentative pentru patrimoniul cultural universal, de catre comunitati universitare si institute de arheologie si institute teologice si traducerea acestora in colaborare cu linguisti din diferite zone ale lumii si realizarea de manuale scolare pentru predarea unor limbi antice. Pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor sale, Institutul colaboreaza cu institute lingvistie, cu organizatii interguvernamentale, institutii guvernamentale, institute de invatamant locale, institutii de invatamant superior, precum si cu asociatii si organizatii ale societatii civile care au preocupari in domeniul arheologiei biblice si lingvisticii.
Oferim pachete de hosting pentru toate nevoile, fie ca ai un site de prezentare sau magazin online, cu siguranta vei gasi solutia potrivita, atat din punct de vedere tehnic cat si al pretului. Domeniile tale vor fi gazduite in cele mai bune conditii pe serverele noastre. Serviciile de care beneficiezi sunt monitorizate in permanenta astfel incat sa se asigure o buna functionare a acestora. Ce calitati definesc gazduirea web oferita de noi Calitatile ce definesc echipamentele noastre, precum si intregul sistem sunt redundanta si stabilitatea. Calamitatile naturale sau evenimentele neprevazute nu vor afecta serviciile de hosting, deoarece avem un sistem de generatoare si surse duble de curent care alimenteaza echipamentele. Datele tale sunt in siguranta pe discurile noastre, acestea fiind configurate RAID, care este o matrice redundanta de discuri, cu o arhitectura prin care datele se distribuie pe mai multe discuri. xServere.RO reprezinta expresia seriozitatii si a calitatii in tot ceea ce realizeaza. Noi lucram numai cu echipamente hardware si software profesionale si nu ne oprim aici, ci le selectam pe cele mai bune din categoria lor, de la firme recunoscute pe plan international. Calitatea si performanta stau la baza sistemelor si echipamentelor noastre, deoarece acestea, impreuna cu factorul uman, ne asigura buna functionare. Alegerea pachetului de hosting potrivit Alegerea pachetului potrivit este un pas care necesita atentie, deoarece functionarea perfecta a site-ului este conditionata de acest pas. Pachetul de gazduire potrivit se alege in functie de resursele pe care le foloseste site-ul. Echipa de la suport iti sta la dispozitie daca nu stii cu siguranta care pachet de hosting este cel mai potrivit site-ului. Pe parcurs ce site-ul tau creste si consuma mai multe resurse in orice moment se poate face un upgrade la un pachet mai mare.
Vivotek Romania este distribuitor autorizat al celor mai performante echipamente de supraveghere video. Distribuim camere video de o inalta acuratete a imagine, destinate oricarui tip de afacere. Modelele Vivotek sunt ideale pentru retail, pentru supravegherea obiectivelor strategice.
Suntem o firma care activeaza in domeniul IT, hardware si software, sisteme de securitate, control acces. Suntem pe piata din 2012 si afacerea noastra este in continuu dezvoltare. Serviciile noastre se adreseaza tuturor utilizatorilor de calculatoare si urmaresc crearea unui mediu informatic stabil si usor de folosit. Suntem aici sa te ajutam cu cele mai bune sfaturi si cele mai simple solutii pentru orice problema din domeniul IT.
Realizam siteuri web (cu plata si in 2 rate), magazine online (cu plata si in 4 rate), cataloage online, software, aplicatii android, windows mobile, administrare calculatoare, servere,retele, campanii facebook, recuperare date de pe hard, stick, usb, android, iphone.
Instalare retele fibra optica Realizam retele de fibra optica atat indoor cat si outdoor. Retelele de fibra optica indoor pot fi combinate cu retele structurate date-voce mediu utp sau ftp. Retelele outdoor se pot realiza atat aerian cat si ingropat. Sudura fibra optica Dispunem de laborator specializat mobil, care ne permite sa executam operatii specifice, indiferent de conditiile meteorologice, de timp (zi/noapte), sau locatie. SC DC FIBER HOME SRL tel : 0749 969 334
Credem ca un site web reprezinta mult mai mult pentru firma dumneavoastra decat o simpla prezenta pe Internet. Pe Internet pagina web a firmei este chiar firma insasi. Investiti in realizarea unui site web. Ceea ce dorim noi este sa va oferim nu doar o pagina pe Internet pentru firma, ci un site web de calitate care va constitui atat un mijloc publicitar foarte eficient cat si un veritabil birou virtual al firmei dumneavoastra.
We conduct coordination projects in IT, making a sound and reliable connection between employees and the leading companies in Telecommunication sector. Our network of contacts, expertise in recognising needs and competencies and skill in reaching goals help us facilitate IT projects and make them achievable. Thus we reach to right people, gain valuable information, suggest interesting ideas, effectively leading to expected result. Our key objective is reconciliation of interests of the employer and employee, which we do through making the collaboration conditions as clear as then can be. Hence collateral consent is a result of common intelligence. We understand work as one of the key factors in human's life. A factor which substantially depends on the planning process and relies on the motivation of all the parties involved. Make a right decision considering your skills, future progress and experience as well as financial reckoning.
Skysoft este un important dezvoltator de solutii business, realizate pe platforma 1C (www.v8.1c.ru/eng). Utilizand tehnologie de ultima ora, SKYSOFT ofera o noua abordare a gestionarii intreprinderii.
Microsoft Corporation multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. The Global Technical Support Centre (GTSC) located in Bucharest, provides high technical service and support for Microsofts European Enterprise and Development customers. The center is part of Microsoft Global Support Operations and is staffed by highly skilled technical specialists in enterprise Platforms, Business and Developer Applications.
RossGuide a has experienced rapid growth since 2000 . Incorporated as an IT&C service provider company in 2000 , by a group of friends and it managers followed the necesary steps to grow the business , setting the stage for a series of acquisitions and contracts in Romania and world wide.Today, the combined entities market their global suite under the RossGuide and TakeHost brand in the U.S., Europe and Asia. As a partner of the NTT Communications -Verio, RossGuide enjoys a position with financial strength to support future growth and lend stability in today’s challenging economy. The company operates in U.S. markets, the top European markets, including the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain, and Asian locations opening now the China market. With its global, 24-hour operations structure, RossGuide is poised to connect customers to its full range of products, regardless of where they do business. Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Hosting Services At the heart of the SME strategy lies a focus on delivering products that maximize a business’ presence on the web, building on the group’s expertise in indirect distribution and introducing next generation offerings on a global basis. These products include basic shared hosting, virtual private server and managed private server hosting, ecommerce applications and domain name registration. RossGuide services provide SME customers with the ability to establish their web presence and expand their business as the company grows, all while delivering exemplary customer service. With the a large t product portfolio for the SME market,RossGuide remains well positioned with its end-to-end capability and high quality of service and reliability. Enterprise Hosting Services Veriohas operational capabilities to support its goal of migrating larger companies from more basic to advanced services. Today, RossGuide offers a range of managed services in PowerPlatform managed hosting offerings, including backup and recovery, managed security, enhanced monitoring, storage, global load balancing and bandwidth management, and applications management, all designed to enable companies to solve their unique needs and business problems. The future strategy centers on leveraging partnerships and alliances to create and deliver a higher-value set of outsourced solutions for these businesses and to deliver vertical solutions to meet the unique needs of key industry sectors. Network Access and Services The tailored services are priced to match customers’ traffic patterns, while guaranteeing these services with one of the most comprehensive network Service Level Agreements in the industry. With the NTT Communications Global IP Network, RossGuide boasts a reliable and scalable global infrastructure featuring a superior network that is recognized for its design and that has been strengthened by significant recent investment and ongoing upgrades. NTT Communications currently operates OC48 connectivity and continues to evaluate and integrate best in class service partner products. The NTT Communications network also delivers top-quality redundancy, private peering and exchanges and continues its expansion in Europe and Asia, while supporting traffic growth that drives economies of scale. With the recent launch of its Global IP VPN product, and Smart Content Delivery, Verio continues to deliver enhanced network services and next-generation technologies.
NGNetworks este un provider de solutii software pentru terminale mobile si un consultant pe piata de networking. Din 2006, compania dezvolta solutii de curierat, solutii pentru piata de retail si procesare pe teren. Solutiile dezvoltate implica urmarirea prin GPS, comunicare GPRS cu serverele de baze de date prin solutii de tip VPN si interconectarea directa a flotelor de terminale mobile. De asemenea, pentru urmarire la sediul clientului s-au realizat interfete de raportare folosite pentru managementul flotei de terminale. Compania noastra joaca un rol activ in piata de networking oferind atat consultanta privind designul, implementarea si exploatarea retelelor de dimensiuni medii si largi. De asemenea compania noastra aduce prin canale directe echipamente de retea ale marilor producatori internationali si are relatii speciale cu importatorii locali.
Suntem o firma care se bazeaza pe service la domiciliul clientului cum ar fi: depanari calculatoare, imprimante, copiatoare, centrale telefonice panasonic. Sediul firmei SC MOROSOFT SRL se afla in Orasul Frasin, Strada Principala (langa Primarie), judetul Suceava. Nr. de telefon: 0330080059 retelistica, refill cartuse imprimanta, etc.
IOS Software Solutions furnizeaza solutii competitive IT companiilor, pentru alinierea infrastructurii IT cu business-ul, in vederea realizarii unei mai bune gestionari a resurselor interne si a relatiilor cu clientii, respectiv cu partenerii.