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Retelistica - Telecomunicatii: 103 companii
  • Optcore Technology is the leading manufacturer&supplier of compatible fiber optic transceiver and fiber optic converter. We produce fiber optic transceivers including SFP,GBIC,X2, CWDM,DWDM, SFF, XENPAK, XFP and fiber optic converters covering fast ethernet to gigabit ethernet. All our transceivers are compatible with major brands like Cisco,HP,Nortel,D-link,3Com,Huawei,Foundry,Alcatel-Lucent,Extreme,Juniper,Allied Telesys,Brocade, Enterasys,TP-LINK,SMC,Finisar and ZxYEL. All of our compatible transceiver modules own 3 year warranty. We can also customize fiber optic transceivers and fiber optic converters to fit your specific requirements. We strive to control our operating expense and negotiate for the best prices so we can keep your prices the best possible. Whether you need to order a product right away, or have a question about the product or other product you already own, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our knowledgeable, professional sales and support teams are ready and eager to serve you both before and after sales.

Zhengzhou Producator
  • Dot Network Solutions Srl. este partenerul pe care si-l doresc toti, este partenerul de care ai nevoie pentru ca afacerea ta sa fie profitabila. Cu o experienta vasta in servicii IT si consultanta, misiunea noastra este de a deveni un partener de incredere pentru companiile locale care doresc externalizare departamentului IT. Dot Network Solutions Srl. este una din companiile cu o ascensiune rapida in acest domeniu, acum cu un portofoliu ce depaseste 30 de clienti. Credem ca cea mai buna modalitate de a construi o relatie de lunga durata cu un partener este de a-i anticipa nevoile, de a-i oferi servicii de cea mai buna calitate si la momentul potrivit. Oferim o varietate de servicii, de la vanzari de echipamente la servicii de mentenanta,reparatii, consultanta, adresandu-ne companiilor care au nevoie de suport asigurat pentru tehnica de calcul. Angajamentul nostru de a furniza clientilor servicii de cea mai buna calitate se reflecta in atentia deosebita pe care o acordam formarii profesionale a angajatilor.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Societatea comerciala S.C. “Optotoel COM” S.R.L. este o firma dinamica si tânara. Domeniul de activitate a firmei, este de executie si proiectare a retelelor de telecomunicatii si totodata comercializarea cablurilor, echipamentelor si accesoriilor necesare pentru retele cu cablu optic de exterior-interior, retele de telecomuinicatii pe cupru, retele de calculatoare, retele structurate si retele cablu TV. Obiectivul societatii noastre este pastrarea calitatii în procesul de comercializarea a produselor si a lucrarilor efectuate. Pentru a amintii unele firme de la care achizitionam produsele comercializate se numara 3M, Ripley-Miller, Corning, Diamond si Siemens.

Arad Servicii
  • Oferim asamblare / montare service PC, realizam cablaje imprimate simplu / multistrat din Sticlotextolit placat cu cupru (FR4), Grosime material: 0,2 mm - 2,4 mm,  grosime cupru 18 um, 35 um, 70 um, poliimida 1,6 mm 35/35, ROGERS, CEM1, echipare cablaje imprimate cu componente SMD si cu terminale, realizare site-uri WEB si retele PC.

Bucuresti Producator
  • Daca ai sau nu ai la dispozitie un departament sau un angajat specializat de IT, schimba modul de abordare al externalizarii serviciilor de IT sau modalitate in care analizezi si implementezi solutii IT sau achizitionezi produsele necesare infrastructurii tale.

Ploiesti Servicii
  • Oferim servicii de reparatii Calculatoare in Bucuresti la sediul firmei sau la domiciliul clientului. Instalare Windows 7, XP, Vista. Devirusare Calculatoare, constatare defect si remediere urgenta, schimb sursa, placa de baza, procesor orice componenta defecta, configurare routere.

Bucuresti Servicii
  • Oferim servicii de Gazduire si Design, calitate garantata contractual. Parteneri autorizati Whmcs, Gator, Gamecp. Nu detinem un portofoliu foarte mare dar putem sa ne mandrim cu portofoliul actual. Site:

Slatina Producator
  • Castel Distribution importa si distribuie: fibra optica, CABLU INCENDIU, CABLU ALARMA, CYYF, CYABY, ACYABY, JYSTY 2x2x0.8, cabluri coaxiale, cablu CCTV, utp, ftp, ftp cu sufa, cat5, cat6, cat7, componente PC, UPS, stabilizatoare, acumulatori stationari (etansisau Plumb-gel), transformatoare, alimentatoare, invertoare de tensiune, convertoare, media convertoare CTC Union, switch-uri Repotec plastic si metal, switch-uri RPC, ZyXEL, Qubs, IpTime.

Popesti Leordeni Importator
  • Nevoia de a tine pasul cu industria IT a dus firma printre firmele din judetul Neamt la solutii IT si Networking avand colaborari cu firme de success din acest domeniu, la un nivel profesional si satisfactie maxima pentru clientii nostri.

Roman Servicii
  • We conduct coordination projects in IT, making a sound and reliable connection between employees and the leading companies in Telecommunication sector. Our network of contacts, expertise in recognising needs and competencies and skill in reaching goals help us facilitate IT projects and make them achievable. Thus we reach to right people, gain valuable information, suggest interesting ideas, effectively leading to expected result. Our key objective is reconciliation of interests of the employer and employee, which we do through making the collaboration conditions as clear as then can be. Hence collateral consent is a result of common intelligence. We understand work as one of the key factors in human's life. A factor which substantially depends on the planning process and relies on the motivation of all the parties involved. Make a right decision considering your skills, future progress and experience as well as financial reckoning.

Ostrowiec, Swietokrzyski Servicii
  • Producator de produse si piese metalice, realizate in special prin presare la rece (ambutisate, indoire - abkant, stantare, matritare), acoperite cu zinc (galvanizate) electrochimic. Suntem principalul furnizor al suportilor de sustinere a fibrei optice pentru firmele de CATV si Internet. Site:

Cluj Napoca Producator
  • Retele fibra optica (experienta 4 ani): - consultanta retele, fibra optica, LAN, WLAN, configurari echipamente retea, retele CATV, proiectare retea fibra optica DATE si CATV. Fiber Optic Networks (4 years experience): - consulting networks, fiber optics, LAN, WLAN, network equipment configuration, CATV networks, network design and fiber optic CATV DATA.

Gramesti Servicii
  • Modulo Consulting este o companie ce ofera organizatiilor solutii complete VoIP, servicii profesionale in domeniul IT, consultanta, management de proiect si servicii de dezvoltare pentru numeroase tehnologii.

Bucuresti Importator
  • Skysoft este un important dezvoltator de solutii business, realizate pe platforma 1C ( Utilizand tehnologie de ultima ora, SKYSOFT ofera o noua abordare a gestionarii intreprinderii.

Targoviste Producator
  • Compania specializat in oferirea de solutii de securitate si protectie a infrastructurilor IT. Suntem parteneri directi cu liderii din domeniu, Fortinet, Kaspersky, Microsoft, APC, Dell, IBM, Qnap. Oferim produse in custodie pentru testare.

Sector 6 Servicii
  • Teleprecision-MTS Srl activeaza ca distribuitor autorizat unic in Romania pentru - Fujikura Ltd - divizia aparate de sudura fibra optica, - AFL Telecommunications - divizia aparate de masura fibra optica - Mills Ltd. - accesorii si consumabile retele fibra optica si cupru, - Emtelle - lider in furnizarea de microtuburi din PVC - HDPE si Fremco - echipamente de inalta calitate pentru suflarea cablurilor de telecomunicatii in conducte. Oferta de produse este completata de servicii de cea mai buna calitate ce includ consultanta in alegerea corecta a produselor, instalare si testare a echipamentelor comercializate, inchiriere kituri complete de sudura si masura fibra optica, cursuri de instruire, service si suport tehnic. Fie ca sunteti furnizor de internet si televiziune prin cablu, operator de telefonie fixa sau mobila, administrator de retele sau integrator de sisteme, echipa noastra va ajuta sa gasiti solutia potrivita pentru o afacere de succes. Va putem furniza produse din urmatoarele game: FIBRA OPTICA - Aparate de masura (OTDR), sudura si taiere fibra optica - Sisteme integrate de management al retelelor - Masini suflat cabluri optice - Echipamente pentru tragerea cablurilor prin tubulatura (tragatoare din fibra de carbon, pistoale si parasute de lansare, sfori si sufe metalice de tragere, vinciuri motorizate, etc.) - Tubeti microfibra, accesorii si lubrifianti - Cabluri si conectica fibra optica (cabluri, patch cord-uri, pigtail-uri, adaptori, patch panel-uri (ODF) complet echipate, cutii terminale, cutii de jonctiune, bobine de lansare, suduri mecanice si conectori rapizi) - Testare si inspectie vizuala fibra optica - Powermetre si surse de lumina, testere - Produse de curatare - Scule (strippere, cutite, foarfece, clesti) - Cabinete, rack-uri si accesorii CUPRU - Certificatoare de retele - Analizoare si testere pentru retele LAN - Detectoare conductori ingropati - Cabluri cupru (cabluri, patch cord-uri Cat5e si Cat6, prize, patch panel-uri) - Scule (strippere, clesti compresie, sertizare, insertizoare, foarfece, wire wrapping) - Echipamente active - Conectica Audio/Video/Voce RADIO - Analizoare de spectru portabile - Wattmetre de radiofrecventa, sonde si antene pentru testarea compatibilitatii electromagnetice - Materiale de ecranare electromagnetica - Aplicatii pentru planificatrea retelelor WiFi. Mai multe informatii despre aceste produse puteti gasi pe si

Bucuresti Importator
  • Microsoft Corporation multinational computer technology corporation that develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices. The Global Technical Support Centre (GTSC) located in Bucharest, provides high technical service and support for Microsofts European Enterprise and Development customers. The center is part of Microsoft Global Support Operations and is staffed by highly skilled technical specialists in enterprise Platforms, Business and Developer Applications.

Bucuresti Altul
  • RossGuide a has experienced rapid growth since 2000 . Incorporated as an IT&C service provider company in 2000 , by a group of friends and it managers followed the necesary steps to grow the business , setting the stage for a series of acquisitions and contracts in Romania and world wide.Today, the combined entities market their global suite under the RossGuide and TakeHost brand in the U.S., Europe and Asia. As a partner of the NTT Communications -Verio, RossGuide enjoys a position with financial strength to support future growth and lend stability in today’s challenging economy. The company operates in U.S. markets, the top European markets, including the UK, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Spain, and Asian locations opening now the China market. With its global, 24-hour operations structure, RossGuide is poised to connect customers to its full range of products, regardless of where they do business. Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Hosting Services At the heart of the SME strategy lies a focus on delivering products that maximize a business’ presence on the web, building on the group’s expertise in indirect distribution and introducing next generation offerings on a global basis. These products include basic shared hosting, virtual private server and managed private server hosting, ecommerce applications and domain name registration. RossGuide services provide SME customers with the ability to establish their web presence and expand their business as the company grows, all while delivering exemplary customer service. With the a large t product portfolio for the SME market,RossGuide remains well positioned with its end-to-end capability and high quality of service and reliability. Enterprise Hosting Services Veriohas operational capabilities to support its goal of migrating larger companies from more basic to advanced services. Today, RossGuide offers a range of managed services in PowerPlatform managed hosting offerings, including backup and recovery, managed security, enhanced monitoring, storage, global load balancing and bandwidth management, and applications management, all designed to enable companies to solve their unique needs and business problems. The future strategy centers on leveraging partnerships and alliances to create and deliver a higher-value set of outsourced solutions for these businesses and to deliver vertical solutions to meet the unique needs of key industry sectors. Network Access and Services The tailored services are priced to match customers’ traffic patterns, while guaranteeing these services with one of the most comprehensive network Service Level Agreements in the industry. With the NTT Communications Global IP Network, RossGuide boasts a reliable and scalable global infrastructure featuring a superior network that is recognized for its design and that has been strengthened by significant recent investment and ongoing upgrades. NTT Communications currently operates OC48 connectivity and continues to evaluate and integrate best in class service partner products. The NTT Communications network also delivers top-quality redundancy, private peering and exchanges and continues its expansion in Europe and Asia, while supporting traffic growth that drives economies of scale. With the recent launch of its Global IP VPN product, and Smart Content Delivery, Verio continues to deliver enhanced network services and next-generation technologies.

Constanta Servicii
  • SC Bitland SRL a fost infiintata in anul 2003 avand ca obiect de activitate distributia si instalarea de echipamente pentru radiocomunicatii in benzi de 2.4 GHz si 5.4-5.7 GHz, comunicatii pe fibra optica, retele de calculatoare, sisteme de alarmare la efractie, sisteme de control acces/ pontaj, sisteme biometrice si sisteme de supraveghere video digitala.

Bucuresti Distribuitor
  • Firma nostra comercializeaza echipamente pentru retele wireless, utilizate in special de furnizorii de Internet, cu care se pot realiza legaturi intre doua locatii, legaturi punct-multipunct pentru a conecta clientul final la AccessPoint, sau pentru sisteme Hotspot.

Cluj-Napoca Importator